Shoulder pad removal
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Chest Compressions and Airway Clearance in American Football Emergencies
Performing Chest Compressions
Initial Steps: If no signs of life and help is present, start chest compressions.
Removing Shoulder Pads: Quickly separate the middle section of the shoulder pads to access the central chest.
Technique: Place the heel of the hand on the lower part of the chest bone. Keep the arm straight with shoulders over hands, compressing at 100 to 120 beats per minute.
Clearing the Airway
Using Quick-Release Mechanism: Loosen all four clips of the face cage starting from the top to open up and access the airway.
Tool Requirement: A screwdriver is essential in emergencies to handle helmet removal safely.
Additional Steps: Release chin strap mechanisms for further airway access.
For comprehensive training on handling medical emergencies in American football, please contact us.
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