Approved by the British American Football Coaches Association

92 videos, 4 hours and 53 minutes

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Hand and arm injuries

Video 51 of 92
1 min 47 sec
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Hand and Arm Injuries in American Football

Glove Removal and Assessment

Glove Removal: Release Velcro straps at the wrist and gently ease off the fingers to expose the hand for assessment.

Handling Open Injuries: Cut the glove if necessary to minimize further damage to soft tissues, especially in cases of open injuries or fractures.

Injury Assessment and Care

Once the hand is exposed, identify fractures or dislocations in small joints of the hand or wrist. Manage long bone fractures or major joint dislocations in the position they are found.

Environmental Considerations: Maintain warmth and dryness to comfort the injured player until further medical assistance arrives.

Avoiding Further Damage: Do not manipulate fractures or move joints excessively to prevent injury to nerves or blood vessels surrounding bones or joints.

For comprehensive training on managing hand and arm injuries and other medical situations in American football, contact us today.

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